Christine’s years of experience as a professional astrologer will answer your questions and lead you toward a more successful and happy life. Christine offers one hour and one and a half astrology sessions that may also be recorded.
Astrological Counseling on
Personal, Love, and Business
Compatibility Analysis Between You and Your Partner with the Exclusive Love Relationship Formula
Business Timing Consultations
When is the best time to sign a contract or make an important business decision? -
Travel Timing Consultations
When is the best time to travel? -
Astrocartography and Relocation
When to move and where is the most optimal place to live? -
Interpretation of Natal Charts, Transits, Progressions, Solar Arc Directions, Synastry, Composite, Solar Returns, and Relocation.
Prices for readings start at:
$150. for a 1 hour recorded introductory session
$165. for all other 1 hour readings
$200. for 1 hour and 1/2 recorded session
$250. for 1 hour and 1/2 session involving many charts
For further information or to schedule an astrological Contact Me for an appointment.
Here are some of the advantages:
30 Years of Experience
Special Areas of Interest
Competitive Prices
Your monthly horoscope is offered so you can capitalize upon the great opportunities around you and also avoid the pitfalls. Details about your horoscope sign are also discussed.
A Travel Guide will indicate the more optimal times to travel and enjoy your trip, as you avoid delays and setbacks on challenging days.
A Moon Calendar will help you progress with the direct Moon and keep a low profile with the void-of-course Moon.
You can also purchase recorded lectures on many of your favorite subjects such as:All About Marriage, Find Your Astrological Soulmate, Relocation and Astrocartography, Your Solar Return, and the Composite Chart.