Aquarias Rising
For 2025, Jupiter in your 5th house sector brings expansive opportunity with creative goals, risky ventures, romance, and activities with children. Luck is on your side so be willing to take a chance, especially after February 4th when Jupiter goes direct.
Both Saturn and Neptune moving through Pisces your 2nd house sector of earned income and self-esteem have slowed your momentum. Neptune will journey into Aries in late March until late October encouraging you to pursue more creative and/or spiritual projects. Travel may seem delightful. Saturn joins Neptune in late May for approximately three months, at times slowing your progress only to bring more stability into the picture. Working projects are productive, but travel may encounter some delays.
A restless nature and possible changes in your home are foreseen with Uranus in your 4th house sector until July. Then Uranus moves into Gemini, your 5th sector until early November, where unexpected surprises and excitement are encountered with creative pursuits, risky ventures, romance, leisure life, and activities with children.
Jupiter progressing into Cancer in June, your 6th house sector, promotes your overall work, and health and well-being. Aim toward health improvements and look for expansive opportunity on the job. You will definitely benefit.
Mercury will be retrograde March 15th to April 7th, July 18th to August 11th, and November 9th to November 29th. It is best to avoid starting anything new, hold off on making important decisions, and beware of mistakes and misunderstandings.