Libra Rising
In 2025, Jupiter is residing in your 9th house sector of higher-minded pursuits, networking, travel, and long-distance correspondence. If you haven’t already, you will be encouraged to seek out new opportunities, rewarding connections, and travel ventures. You are apt to be mentally optimistic, which will steer you in a positive direction in life. Much progress will be made after February 4th, when Jupiter goes direct.
Both Saturn and Neptune temporarily in Pisces, your 6th sector, will continue to put pressure on your job situation although you dream of more idyllic conditions. Also, unless you are health conscious, you may encounter some setbacks. In late March until the end of October, Neptune will venture into Aries and your 7th sector of relationships persuading you toward more idyllic connections. Relationships can be evasive or spiritually uplifting. Saturn in late May through the summer will unite with Neptune, offering a realistic view of close relationships, but will also cause some challenges.
Uranus will still be the reason for experiencing some financial inconsistencies and possible partnership issues, your 8th sector, until the second week of July when it moves into Gemini, your 9th house sector for four months. Here, Uranus will inspire new ideas, as well as networking and travel opportunities.
Pluto’s solid entrance into the sign of Aquarius, your 5th sector for many years to come, will enlighten you with more enjoyable leisure life experiences. If you are feeling held back, especially in a personal relationship, you may feel the need to break free.
At the beginning of June for approximately one year, Jupiter sails into the sign of Cancer your 10th house sector of career and reputation bringing improvements on the job and positive recognition. This is a great time to advance yourself, start a new job or business.
Mercury will be retrograde March 15th to April 7th, July 18th to August 11th, and November 9th to November 29th. It is best to avoid starting anything new, beware of misunderstandings, and hold off on making important decisions during these periods.