When the Moon is on course as it moves into a new zodiac sign, we are better able to accomplish our goals. Here, our emotional intuition is being properly guided. When the Moon is void-of-coarse, we are not able to successfully reach our objectives or it will take much longer than expected. Here, the Moon is said to be wobbling in its orbit as it makes its last aspect to a planet in a particular zodiac sign and is anticipating the move into the next constellation. For the best results, follow the Moon Report for a more productive day.
February 2025
Feb 1 Moon v/c 5:06pm EST, 2:06pm PST
Feb 1 Moon enters Aries 8:10pm EST, 5:10pm PST
Feb 3 Moon v/c 5:19am EST, 2:19pm PST
Feb 3 Moon enters Taurus 10:33am EST, 7:33am PST
Feb 5 Moon v/c 10:29pm EST, 7:29pm PST
Feb 5 Moon enter Gemini 10:44pm PST
Feb 6 Moon enters Gemini 1:44am EST
Feb 7 Moon v/c 11:52pm PST
Feb 8 Moon v/c 2:52am EST
Feb 8 Moon enters Cancer 6:04am EST, 3:04am PST
Feb 10 Moon v/c 8:49am EST, 5:49am PST
Feb 10 Moon enters Leo 12:01pm EST, 9:01am PST
Feb 12 Full Moon 8:53am EST, 5:53am PST
Feb 12 Moon v/c 2:12pm EST, 11:12am PST
Feb 12 Moon enters Virgo 8:07pm EST, 5:07pm PST
Feb 15 Moon v/c 3:36am EST, 12:36am PST
Feb 15 Moon enters Libra 6:45am EST, 3:45am PST
Feb 17 Moon v/c 6:24pm EST, 3:24pm PST
Feb 17 Moon enters Scorpio 7:19pm EST, 4:19pm PST
Feb 20 Moon v/c 5:06am EST, 2:06pm PST
Feb 20 Moon enters Sagittarius 7:55am EST, 4:55am PST
Feb 22 Moon v/c 3:38pm EST, 12:28pm PST
Feb 22 Moon enters Capricorn 6:09pm EST, 3:09pm PST
Feb 24 Moon v/c 10:28pm EST, 7:28pm PST
Feb 24 Moon enter Aquarius 9:40pm PST
Feb 25 Moon enters Aquarius 12:40am EST
Feb 26 Moon v/c 5:04pm EST, 2:04pm PST
Feb 27 Moon enters Pisces 3:46am EST, 12:46am PST
Feb 27 New Moon 7:45pm EST, 4:45pm PST