Sagittarius Rising
Jupiter in your 7th house sector of relationships is a good way to start off the new year. For the next six months, you will benefit from this favorable placement in your dealings with those around you as well as close connections. You can improve upon a current relationship or if single have an opportunity to meet someone new.
Saturn and Neptune still wading in Pisces will be shifting cosmic gears soon. For the next three months Neptune will continue to have you dreaming of an idyllic living situation, but Saturn will be delaying your progress until you have the best of plans. In late March until late October Neptune dives into Aries, your 5th house sector, where you are motivated to address creative pursuits, speculative gain, leisure life, and tending to children. Saturn joining Neptune in Aries will help you develop a solid plan to get the results you want. It may take a lot of work, but the rewards will be fulfilling.
Uranus in Taurus until mid-summer may cause stress as well as excitement on the job, your 6th house sector. In early July, Uranus will enter Gemini, your 7th house sector of relationships, bringing interesting and intriguing social opportunities your way. When Uranus favorably aspects Pluto late summer into the fall, new individuals may be a welcomed catalyst.
Pluto in Aquarius for almost the next two decades will be very exhilarating socially as it resides in your communicative, learning, networking, traveling sector the 3rd house. New faces are interesting and open up your mental perspective on life. Travel will be stimulating as well as bring deeper meaning into your existence.
The second half of the year, Jupiter will be in Cancer your 8th house sector promoting lucrative, financial investing, partnerships, and personal growth. You will emanate more confidence and experience activities that are rejuvenating. Enjoy the year, Sagittarius!
Mercury will be retrograde March 15th to April 7th, July 18th to August 11th, and November 9th to November 29th. It is best to avoid starting anything new, hold off on making important decisions, and beware of mistakes and misunderstandings.