A memoir – The fascinating life of a legendary pianist through fame, jealousy, loss, and great love. Discover the captivating journey of Van Cliburn, a classical music prodigy who changed history. As one of the most trusted people in his life, the author's personal relationship with Cliburn led her to write about his incredible life stories, often using his own words. Christine Rakela guided Van Cliburn with astrology, something they both enjoyed.
My Private Relationship with Van Cliburn

Traveling By The Stars
by Christine Rakela
Traveling By The Stars, will steer you toward the most exciting and gratifying traveling experiences. Enjoy the travel strategy, Sun sign travel, and star compatibility while traveling. Have a great trip without the setbacks. Bon Voyage!

Where do I begin? We are in a transitional year and that means change. Adapting to it may be another story. AI, a suspected economic collapse, unexpected uprisings, and politics - although we have some sense of a direction, all weigh havoc on our psyche. Individually, it’s time to reassess and purge the things and maybe people that do not have value in our life. It’s a mixed bag astrologically with Jupiter in the 2nd house of finance in the 2025 inauguration chart, which is good, and for some will improve their monetary position. Yet Saturn and Neptune in adverse aspect to Venus in the USA chart’s 2nd house sector of finance spells trouble ahead, especially toward the summer. That means you need to be prepared if there is a serious problem. Owning something tangible is advised.
A certain mental anxiety has plagued our country that will shift in the next inauguration chart. Although some will feel optimistic, others will find upset. Challenges and points of resistance are noted. Still there are opportunities to thrive. Staying positive and seeking out gainful possibilities could be instrumental in your success. Uranus still in Taurus, a money sign, the first six months of the year does favor crypto or new forms of money. As Saturn is in positive aspect to Uranus in April it may find stability, which could be helpful. Pluto in Aquarius also offers support as well, with any type of new age technology. This will last for many years. Jupiter in Gemini the first six months will experience promising aspects to the transiting Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, then to Saturn, the Moon, and Mars in the USA chart, indicating progress for America. Although Trump had a remarkable win, March may be an intense month with Mercury retrograde and Saturn in adverse aspect to Trump’s Gemini planets. Still, warring factions will be resolved, yet other types of uprisings may occur. In the second half of the year, Jupiter moving into Cancer will conjoin Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun in the USA chart offering much protection and expansive opportunity. With Pluto in Aquarius, enlightening experiences will continue to affect the masses supporting our evolvement as a species as we change for the better.
Christine Rakela can be contacted at: Christine@christinerakela.com
"WE ALL TRAVEL, maybe not to the ends of the earth, but we regularly make small journeys. And how often have we wished we had inside knowledge as to what delays and detours lay in front of us. Now, thanks to Christine Rakela, we can travel hopefully and arrive in one piece. Traveling By The Stars is a meticulously researched and well-written book that covers not only all of the planetary aspects that will influence our journey, for better or worse, but also which signs make for the best traveling companions, and what astrological factors benefit business travel, vacations, and romance. Don't leave home without it."
— Penny Thornton, astrologer, author, Astrolutely.com
"In keeping with Christine Rakela's knowledgeable, structured speaking style this book was no surprise. Traveling By The Stars is a must for your vacationing and astrological bookshelf. Christine's fascinating examples of travel and historical events are sure to guide you to safe passage every time.
This exciting and informative book can be used by wanderlust travelers, as well as learned students and astrological practioners. Enjoy! "
— Jacqueline Pentek, Cosmic Astrology Association